The Groups and Associations listed below are domiciled in the mainland Europe and tend towards a pan-European focus. Many Group and Association websites have links that include national bodies for major European countries.
Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment (ACE)
Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI)
European Association of Carton and Cartonboard manufacturers (Pro Carton)
European Association of Graphic Paper Producers (EURO-GRAPH)
European Association of Manufacturers of Wax Paper Packaging Materials (EuroWaxPack)
European Carton Makers Association (ECMA)
European Core and Tube Association (ECTA)
European Federation for Print and Digital Communication (INTERGRAF)
European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers (FEFCO)
European Federation of Envelope Manufacturers (FEPE)
European Federation of Manufacturers of Multiwall Papersacks (EUROSAC)
European Liaison Committee for Pulp & Paper Technical Associations (EUCEPA)
European Organization for Packaging and the Environment (EUROPEN)
European Panel Federation (EPF)
European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC)
European Recovered Paper Association (ERPA)
European Tissue Symposium (ETS)
Federation of the National Associations of Pulp Agents in Western Europe (Europulp)
Féderation Internationale des Fabricants et Transformateurs d’Adhésifs et Thermocollants (FINAT)
International Association of the Deinking Industry (INGEDE)
International Confederation of Paper and Board Converters in Europe (CITPA)