29 July 2022: The 25th Day of Slovene Paper Industry and the 48th International Annual Symposium DITP are organised under the heading: Paper NOW.

Why NOW?
Because NOW seems to be the right time to introduce changes, to take steps in a new direction, for going green, for new knowledge, new collaborations, new technologies and different organizations;

Whereas NOW is the time when, after the experience of the epidemic and the intolerable war situation in the vicinity and its consequences we have to accept a new reality and find our new paths;

Because NOW seems to be the time when the seeds for the next few years or decades will be planted...

The paper industry is changing, adapting and developing in accordance with current and long-term environmentally acceptable policies.

The paper business is traditional, but it has been constantly updating its processes and resources, in line with the guidelines for the development of society. It has achieved unimaginable results in the use and purification of water, raw materials and other fillers, paper and board processing and energy use. Today, it strives for the greatest possible energy and material and indirectly, environmental efficiency of its operation.

